We, the American People, are fed up.

All we have been asking for is a basic, dignified human standard of living: with clean air and water, food, shelter, healthcare, education, and safety. We’re literally just trying to maintain homeostasis. 

We were told that to fix the problems in society all we had to do was elect the right Republican candidates or these particular Democrats. 

This was a lie.

The truth is, Democrat and Republican Parties are owned and operated by a handful wealthy elites for their own benefit. This same small group of megarich also own and control most of what we read, watch, listen to, buy, eat, wear, and drive. Their actions and policies touch every area of our lives and have driven the U.S, and the planet, to near breaking points. 

They have all the money.
They have all the power.
They make all the rules. 
They brought us to this point. 
They will not save us. 

What do we do now?

We have to save ourselves, it’s DIY all the way. 

We grow a network of hundreds of thousands of small, decentralized, consensus driven groups of real, regular, American people working across space and time toward the same vision


You’ll be calling, writing, meeting with, and addressing these people very frequently (if you’re not already). 

Every American has 2 U.S Senators and 1 U.S Representative. These people work for us. Locate yours at govtrack.us.

Then, using your official State and City websites, find  the name and contact info for your local reps:

  1. US Senator #1
  2. US Senator #2
  3. US House Representative
  4. Mayor
  5. City Council Member
  6. Governor
  7. State Senator (Upper Chamber)
  8. State House Rep (Lower Chamber)

Save these #8NEWCONTACTS in your phone.

02. Declare Independence

Send a clear message. What’s that? A wave of people officially unsubscribing from both major political parties? Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same corrupt coin. They don’t deserve our blind loyalty. 

31 states (plus DC) track party affiliation. 10 of those states allow independents to vote primaries. 

Therefore, if you’re registered in one of these states, click below to change your affiliation to independent without losing your ability to vote in primaries:


*Paper form required.

If you’re not registered to vote anywhere at all, please go sign up.


You’ll be calling, writing, meeting with, and addressing these people very frequently (if you’re not already). 

Every American has 2 U.S Senators and 1 U.S Representative. These people work for us. Locate yours at govtrack.us.

Then, using your official State and City websites, find  the name and contact info for your local reps:

  1. US Senator #1
  2. US Senator #2
  3. US House Representative
  4. Mayor
  5. City Council Member
  6. Governor
  7. State Senator (Upper Chamber)
  8. State House Rep (Lower Chamber)

Save these #8NEWCONTACTS in your phone.

02. Declare Independence

Send a clear message. What’s that? A wave of people officially unsubscribing from both major political parties? Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same corrupt coin. They don’t deserve our blind loyalty. 

31 states (plus DC) track party affiliation. 10 of those states allow independents to vote primaries. 

Therefore, if you’re registered in one of these states, click below to change your affiliation to independent without losing your ability to vote in primaries:


*Paper form required.

If you’re not registered to vote anywhere at all, please go sign up.

Guiding Principles

As average Americans electing ourselves to operate our government for ourselves, we can’t go wrong with these basic principles:

Live and Let Live

As kids, we thought America was a "free country". Now we'll make it one.

Solve problems at their root cause

with evidence-based, proven solutions. No more bandaids on bullet wounds.

Expose and Punish Corruption

If we, average citizens, behaved like the corporate elite, we'd be thrown under the jail. No one is above the law.

Take care of Our Veterans

We owe them and they deserve it.

Quit Pissing Away the Taxes we Pay

Common sense budgeting that prioritizes us, not a handful of the megarich.

Get more info.
