2024 Voting Guide


Group Platform


Local and State Chapters

People's Congress


Develop SM channels, consistent content, majority collab and featuring regular people.


Several million followers= legit presence = likelier to get interviews with candidates who are not on our side. 

Recruit membership though tagging commenters in a series of complaint specific solution based hook videos. Responds to common comments like:

“So what can we do. I’m ready to help fix this but it feels like no matter what we do, they aren’t going to listen”- TT strawbrry.c0w

“We just need to consuming anything that is not neccessary- correct the economy real quick”

“The system is seriously broken”

“We get distracted by left v right when it shoudl really be us the people v, the corp+Govt. “So, what can we do? Anything?”

“We need a revolution now”

“This broken corrupt system in depressing.”

“It’s about control, we’re the slaves and theyre the masters”

“We dont have a horse in this race, we are the horses’

“Just shows they give no shits about anyone but themselves.”

“People die in this country because they can’t afford healthcare in America. It’s sickening.” 

“so they know they cant win unless they change the rules”

“TT came at just the right time, otherwise their scheming efforst would have gone unnoticed. Nothing is going to change, we’re doomed!” 

“Great information but how do we turn this mess around?”

“I think we are getting ready for a big movement.”

“only the youth vote can save us”

“And thus the greed of a few continues to harm the many.”

“Have you found any solutions?What is better than the status quo, tell me please?”

“This is nicely said, but the solutions are not clear. How do you overthrow the system and create a new one? Easy to say, not to do.”

“Time to act tf up!”

“I will join you”

“They don’t care, we have to vote them out”

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Fixing and activating spaces a la TT: betterblock

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

List of organizations who we can work with through all elements of our work. We build dual power. History of Dem and Rep parties. History in general. Behind the scenes info. Brand New Congress. Current Reps who might change their party. Folding in orgs that already exist, renaming/branding/purposing current orgs and infrastructure to extend reach and presence.

Along the lines mutual aid resources.

Expanding Our Network

Help us discover and connect with organizations, media sources, databases, videos, tools, apps, or active projects we could benefit from or contribute to. Submit below and check the resources section for more.